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Our Serivces

Service Level Agreement

Keeping yourself and your system under control in a time of trouble can be stressful, so we believe if you have any issues with your system you should be able to let us know and sit back while we get your system back up and running

If the worst should happen, it's always comforting to have someone on your side

Once you have a software system in place, it is just as important to make sure it runs as smoothly as it can, and that if problems do come up they are dealt with in a timely and effective fashion.

An Exem SLA is both a contract and a guarantee, offering clear and understandable guidelines for what we will do in the case of an issue or problem arising, so that you can keep peace of mind, even when the unlikely happens.

If you have a software solution delivered by us and believe you would benefit from having a tried and tested safety net in place get in touch and our Sales and Contracting team would be happy to speak to you about the options you could have available to you.

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If you would like to discuss your options please get in touch today